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Governance Practices: Board Independence & Diversity

An effective and independent Board of Directors is critical to good corporate governance. All of our directors, other than our Chairman and CEO, are independent. All committees are comprised of independent directors, other than the Executive Committee on which our Chairman and CEO serves.

The Board has an independent Lead Director. The independent Lead Director coordinates the efforts of the independent directors and has the authority to, among other things, convene and chair meetings of the independent directors as deemed necessary, as well as to approve the Board meeting schedules and meeting agenda items.

To further ensure effective independent oversight, independent members of the Board regularly meet in executive session with no members of management present. Executive sessions are chaired by the independent Lead Director. Each of the committees also meets regularly in executive session. For additional information on our Board structure and the role of the independent Lead Director, see our Governance Guidelines and our Proxy Statement.

The members of the Board have a broad range of skills, expertise, industry knowledge, viewpoints and backgrounds and include three women and three racially/ethically diverse directors. The Board and the Nominating and Governance Committee carefully consider the importance of diverse viewpoints, backgrounds and experiences and other demographics when selecting future director nominees. The Board seeks to ensure that it is composed of members whose particular expertise, qualifications, attributes and skills, when taken together, allow the Board to satisfy its oversight responsibilities effectively.

Another factor considered in board composition is maintaining a balanced approach to board refreshment, with the intent of ensuring an appropriate mix of long-serving and new directors. Our Governance Guidelines contain a director age limit, providing that no person who will have reached the age of 74 before the annual shareholders meeting will be nominated for election at that meeting without an express waiver by the Board. The Board believes that waivers of this policy should not be automatic and should be based upon the needs of the company and the individual attributes of the director.

Recent board refreshment

Recent Board Refreshment graphic. 2021: 1 new director added; 1 director retired. 2022: 2 new directors added. 2023: 1 new director added. 2024: 1 new director added; 4 directors retired.

Director snapshot

Chart, Director Snapshot. See details below.

More about governance practices


The Board of Directors and management of Travelers are committed to implementing sound corporate governance practices with the goal of ensuring that the company operates ethically and with integrity and is managed to maximize the long-term interests of its shareholders.

Board & executive compensation

Our director and executive compensation programs are designed to reinforce a long-term perspective and to align the long-term interests of our executives and directors with those of our shareholders.

Shareholder rights

Travelers Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, together with our Governance Guidelines, define and protect our shareholders’ rights.