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Ethics & Responsible Business Practices: Ethics Helpline

We provide employees with multiple channels to raise concerns, including the Human Resources, Employee Relations and Compliance functions and the Travelers Ethics Helpline. Our independently administered Ethics Helpline is available to employees and others 24 hours a day, seven days a week to seek advice or raise a concern; to report suspected unethical, illegal or fraudulent activities; or to report a violation or potential violation of the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, including anonymously. Trained professionals investigate each concern and, where appropriate, escalate it internally.

Once an Ethics Helpline report is filed, a review is conducted, if appropriate. Any ethics- or compliance-related issues are addressed by the Ethics and Compliance Office. Our Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer provides the Audit Committee with quarterly summaries of matters reported through the Ethics Helpline and more frequent compliance updates, as appropriate. Additionally, the Audit Committee receives reports on matters reported to the Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer that involve accounting, internal control or audit matters or that relate to any fraud involving persons with a significant role in our internal controls.

We also maintain a formal Whistleblowing and Non-Retaliation Policy that prohibits retaliation against an employee who raises a concern in good faith.

More about ethics & responsible business practices


The commitment of our employees, officers, and directors to our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, applicable laws and regulations, and company policies helps to ensure the long-term success of our organization.

Ethics & compliance training & awareness

Upholding a culture of honesty, integrity and accountability is critical to the long-term success of our organization. To support this culture, we promote ethics and compliance awareness across our operations.

Responsible business practices

Travelers has developed thoughtful and comprehensive underwriting and pricing policies and practices designed to ensure that its pricing is actuarially sound and that its underwriting and pricing practices comply with all applicable laws.