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Travelers Medical Advantage®: ConciergeCLAIM® Nurse: Helping Injured Employees Return to Work

Man doing physical therapy with a resistance band.

When an employee is injured at work, navigating the claim process can be challenging. The employee can get discouraged and disengage from the workforce, which can have a negative impact on both the morale of the individual employee and the employer. A one-on-one connection between a nurse and the injured employee, pioneered by the Travelers ConciergeCLAIM® Nurse program, helps injured employees access quality health care, stay engaged in the workforce and return to work as soon as medically appropriate. Placing nurse case managers in local health care clinics across the country allows us to offer this service to our customers. When the Travelers ConciergeCLAIM Nurse program is used, overall claim costs are reduced, on average, by 14%, with 7% fewer days out of work.1

This program can also pair a Spanish-speaking injured employee with a Spanish-speaking nurse, helping to build trust and improve outcomes. When we provide Spanish-language workers compensation Claim and medical professionals, we see a reduction in lost time and claim, legal and medical expenses, with improved medical and return-to-work outcomes. For example, in our Southern California Claim Center, workers compensation claims handled by culturally and linguistically aligned Claim professionals through our Cultural Advantage program saw an 8% reduction in total claim payout, a 14% lower rate of attorney involvement and a 16% improvement in return to work within 30 days.2

1 Travelers Claim Data – Notice of Loss Years 2016-2023, normalized by nature of injury.
2 Travelers Claim Data – Accident Years 2014-2023, evaluated at 12 months.

Illustrative initiatives

Travelers Institute®

Distracted Driving – Every Second Matters®

The Travelers Institute launched the Every Second Matters® education campaign in 2017 to help combat distracted driving.

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Making Mental Health a Priority

Shattering the Stigma

Throughout the year, Travelers features speakers and offers activities and resources that can support our employees and their loved ones, with a special focus on shattering the stigma associated with mental illness.

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Innovation in Workers Compensation Recovery

Finding Innovative Ways to Manage Workers Compensation-Related Injuries

Travelers continues to invest in programs designed to aid in the workers compensation recovery process and provide alternatives to opioid prescription.

Man with amputated leg sitting at a table with his laptop and a cup of coffee.