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toolkitPlus: Adding Value for Agents and Brokers

Illustration of five agents in front of a red banner that reads, New toolkitplus.

Travelers is dedicated to helping agents and brokers thrive in this highly competitive landscape. One of the ways we do this is by providing compelling content and the digital infrastructure agents and brokers need to easily launch campaigns that help them engage with consumers.

The toolkitPlus platform offers a full suite of free, customizable material, allowing agents and brokers to connect with customers via email, social media, video, digital advertising and more. The platform enables one-click posting of professional content across the agency’s social media channels, along with targeted email distribution and video sharing.

The goals of this platform are to seamlessly integrate Travelers material into the daily workflows of our agents and brokers, create efficiencies for them, and allow them to communicate with and educate customers – all while helping them establish their unique value proposition.

The toolkitPlus experience was designed around the user and reflects familiar online shopping behaviors. When agents choose a marketing item to customize and use, they “add it to their cart.” They can put multiple items into their marketing campaign “cart” and “check out” to launch the campaign or save it for later. They can also rate a campaign on a scale of one to five “stars” if they see benefits such as consumer engagement through social media, video views and email responses.

toolkitPlus is also integrated into the Travelers Quote and Issue Platform through our New Customer Onboarding Wizard. New customers are automatically sent a “welcome” email with an invitation to review the agency and follow them on social media. Agents can also use toolkitPlus to sign up for loyalty-building emails throughout the year.

Overall, toolkitPlus helps agents to be future ready by bringing them the latest technology to help achieve their business goals. Watch this video to see what toolkitPlus is all about.

Illustrative initiatives

Travelers Championship®

Our Signature Community Event

The Travelers Championship® golf tournament is a PGA TOUR Signature Event, and it showcases how our company and employees maintain a strong commitment to the communities in which we live and work.

Travelers Championship golf tournament. Golfer with hand raised on field with crowd watching.

Girls’ Leadership Summits

Inspiring Girls to Be Strong, Smart and Bold

In keeping with our commitment to be the leading advocate for women in the insurance industry, Travelers supports Girls Inc., a nonprofit that inspires girls ages 5 to 18 to be “strong, smart and bold!”

A group of individuals with Travelers shirts at an event.

Featured Service Project

There’s No Place Like Home

For this year’s featured service project, we partnered with local organizations dedicated to addressing the issue of rising homelessness in our communities.

Man in front of window holding door mat.