Diversity & Inclusion: Diversity & Professional Networks
In 2008, we created Diversity Networks, which are voluntary groups led by employees dedicated to fostering a diverse and inclusive work environment. The networks, which are open to all employees, are designed to help foster the retention, development, engagement and success of our employees through networking, mentorship and community volunteer opportunities. In addition, these groups are a resource for our business leaders, providing them with important insights and perspectives. Currently, we have 10 Diversity Networks:
- Asian & Allies
- Black and African American & Allies
- Disability & Allies
- Hispanic/Latino & Allies
- Indigenous & Allies
- Military/Veterans & Allies
- Pride & Allies
- Women & Allies
- Working Parents/Caregivers & Allies
- Young Professionals & Allies
More than 13,000 employees – nearly 40% of our employees – are members of one or more of these Diversity Networks. Each Diversity Network has a sponsor from our executive leadership team, who is responsible for the alignment of that Diversity Network’s vision, mission and objectives with our business goals and strategies. Executive sponsors serve two- to three-year terms as change champions and active advocates for the Diversity Network, making connections to people, resources and support across Travelers.
In addition to our 10 Diversity Networks, we have professional business groups that provide career development opportunities and support for their members. These groups include Women in Analytics & Allies, which has fostered individual development and helped increase the representation of women in actuarial and analytics positions at Travelers for more than 10 years; SHE Adds, for women in Finance at Travelers; SHE Rises, for those in Marketing, Communications, Research and Customer Experience; and EmpowHER+, for those in Technology and Operations. EmpowHER+ partners with nonprofit organizations to mentor and attract the next generation of talent to Travelers, including Girls Who Code, AnitaB.org and UMass Amherst’s Hack(H)er413.
More about diversity & inclusion
Travelers values the unique abilities and talents each individual brings to our organization and recognizes that we benefit in numerous ways from our differences.
Inclusive leadership & training
We provide training, development and cultural events to encourage an inclusive culture among all of our employees, including the company’s leadership.
Diverse talent development & pipeline
As part of our efforts to foster an inclusive culture, we continue to enhance our diverse talent pipeline.
Illustrative initiatives
Enhancing Our Commitment to People with Disabilities
Fostering a More Inclusive Workforce and Changing Lives

Committed to Military Veterans
Supporting Those Who Serve

Small Business Support
Empowering Small Business Owners to Succeed

Travelers EDGE®
Transforming Tomorrow’s Workforce

Supporting Future Leaders in Insurance
Travelers Investing in the Next Generation of Talent

Travelers Art Speaks
Advancing Inclusion through the Arts